Boka Slagbaai beach

Boka Slaagbai is a charming location for relaxation located on the northern peak of the island. This wide beach, which is part of the Washington Slaagbai national park, amazes with its variety. Bright spots of soft white sand are blended with chunks of stones and corals.

Descripció de la platja

On Boka Slagbaai beach, you can enjoy serene relaxation and excellent snorkeling. Under water, you can see beautiful tropical fish, and several technical installations that were used for filming the movie "Sharks' Treasure". The beach has picnic tables and recreation rooms. A restaurant is open every day, and you can order a hamburger and a soft drink there.

Close to Boka Slagbaai Beach, there is the salty lake of Salina Slagbaai where you can meet many flamingos and other beautiful birds that picked this quiet place for nesting.

When is it better to go

Mugav temperatuur (vesi +24 ° C) ja õhk (+26 ...+32 ° C) hoitakse Bonairel aastaringselt. Vihmaperiood on novembrist veebruarini, seega on parem minna teistele kuudele saare randades lõõgastuma.

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