Apple Bay beach

Apple Bay Beach is located on the west coast of Tortola Island - the largest and most developed of all the British Virgin Islands. However, finding it may not be so easy, because although the beach itself is located in Little Apple Bay, it is also part of a larger area called Kapuns Bay. So if you get lost, then orientate on two points: Long Bay, located across the hill from it, and Sebastian's Restaurant.

Descripció de la platja

The long beach is covered with the same fine and clean sand as the most local beaches. But don't expect relaxation in water, or laziness in tide! This place is a paradise for surfers, especially during the period from late December to March. Waves here are considered the best in the entire Carribbean region. They can be so strong and high that they literally tear sand off the beach, and stone dam was built because of them in the past. After boarding, visit one of beach bars. each of them has its own story, fascinating menu and evening music program.

When is the best time to go?

Kuna saartel on troopiline kliima, on õhutemperatuur aasta jooksul praktiliselt muutumatu ja langeb harva alla 24 kraadi. Veetemperatuuri määramisel märgitakse sama temperatuuritase. Kõige niiskemad ja mugavamad kuud on peatumiseks septembrist novembrini, kuid samal ajal langeb ka orkaanide hooaeg. Seetõttu on parim aeg lõõgastumiseks detsembri või mai algus ja aprilli lõpp.

Vídeo: Platja Apple Bay

El temps a Apple Bay

Els millors hotels de Apple Bay

Tots els hotels de Apple Bay
Fort Recovery Villa Suites Hotel
valoració 7.2
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

9 lloc a la classificació Briti Neitsisaared
Valora el material 100 m'agrada
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