Els millors hotels d'Abkhàzia amb platja privada

Valoració dels millors hotels d'Abkhàzia a primera línia de platja

Abkhàzia, enclavada al llarg de la costa del mar Negre i als peus de la majestuosa serralada del Caucas, ofereix un tapís de paisatges impressionants. Aquí descobriràs un món on la natura subtropical prospera, l'aire és pur i el mar brilla amb claredat. El turisme d'aquesta joia està creixent activament, i ja té un seguiment dedicat. Els visitants queden captivats per la càlida hospitalitat dels habitants, l'exquisida cuina complementada amb bons vins i l'atractiu dels preus assequibles. A més, Abkhàzia serveix com a teló de fons ideal per a visites turístiques que inclouen fortaleses medievals, les coves càrstiques d'Arabika, el serè llac de muntanya Ritsa i l'encisador llac Blau, una infinitat de cascades i gorgs profunds, i la joia de coronació del patrimoni d'Abkhàzia: l'antiga ciutat de Nou Athos.

Tota la costa està esquitxada de cales acollidores i aïllades, que ofereixen un respir de les multituds. Tot i que la majoria de les platges d'Abkhàzia estan obertes al públic, també hi ha refugis exclusius que pertanyen als hotels privats. Us presentem una llista seleccionada dels millors hotels d'Abkhàzia amb platges privades, on la tranquil·litat i la seguretat us envolten en un ambient de luxe tranquil.

Wellness Park Hotel Gagra All-Inclusive

Preu mínim / dia: 108 €

Rannakate on suur veeris, seetõttu on hoolimata õrnast vettelaskmisest raske siseneda ilma kummisussideta. See muutub sügavamaks 5 m pärast. Vesi ja rand on puhtad. Rannas on lamamistoolid, telgid, külmkapp jäätise ja jookidega. Territooriumi puhastatakse iga päev.


Hotell asub Gagaras arboreetumi piirkonnas. Piirkond on väike, kastetud palmipuude ja magnooliate varju. Kohapeal on spaa, solaarium, sohvabaar, jõusaal, hea infrastruktuur lastele, kus on soojendusega bassein, mängude tuba ja täispuhutav põngerja. Jalgrattaid, lauatennist ja sulgpallivarustust saab tasuta laenutada. Animaatorid töötavad kogu päeva. Toad on puhtad, uue mööbliga ja vaatega merele või mägedele. Võimalik on broneerida ekskursioon, sealhulgas Krasnaja Poljaanasse, mis asub hotellist 20-minutilise autosõidu kaugusel. Hotellis on lõõgastav keskkond, seega võib seda soovitada peredele.


Preu mínim / dia: 42 €

A beach of coarse and fine pebbles, it is difficult to walk without special shoes, but wooden paths are laid to the water. The entry to the water is gentle, there is no shallow water zone. The water is clean, without algae and jellyfish, there are often waves, so the hotel staff cleans the coastline daily. Here are good conditions for snorkeling.


The hotel is in village of Tsandrypsh. The area is small, with two pools and a fountain, rooms are cleaned every day. There is a separate restaurant building on the beach where you can order a barbecue. There is a nightclub where karaoke, daily show programs and stand-up shows are held. There is a hookah lounge overlooking the sea. You can order beauty services at the spa, go to sauna and Turkish bath, visit the beauty salon, rent a bike, book an excursion, horseback riding and fishing. There is no entertainment in the village itself, but only 35 km to Sochi. The hotel is suitable for youth of simple taste, couples without children.

Hotel Paradise Beach

Preu mínim / dia: 43 €

A pebble beach, the entry to the water is gentle, there is no shallow water zone. The water is very clean, because there are almost no many holidaymakers. There often are waves. The beach is good for swimming and snorkeling. Children may need rubber slippers.


The hotel is located in Alahadzy in a small fenced area. There is no infrastructure nearby. A restaurant, sauna, tour desk, grill bar and a bicycle rental service are on site. There is also a small pool and terrace for sunbathing. You can book an excursion to Yupshar Canyon, a 15-minute drive from the hotel. The hotel is suitable for families, including ones with children. There is a small playground with slides and amusement rides for them.

Hotel Abaata

Preu mínim / dia: 0 €

The beach is pebble, interspersed with large stones and cobblestones in the water, but thanks to this, the water is clear. For swimming you will need rubber slippers, especially during waves. It becomes deep 4-5 m from the coast. Great place for snorkeling. There is a pier on the beach from which you can go for boat trips.


The hotel is located in a beautiful mountainous area in Gagra. There is a large area surrounded by palm trees, has a garden, a lounge, outdoor and indoor pools, a fitness center with panoramic windows. It offers a teahouse and a restaurant, where there is an additional discount for hotel guests. A kids club and a playground are open for children. You can rent equipment for diving, tennis and badminton, and also go hiking. There is a playground and a mini zoo for children. Guests can also order beauty and relaxing treatments, massage. The hotel is suitable for all categories of vacationers.

Amra Park-hotel & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 71 €

Rand on ümbritsetud mägedega, mis on vee lähedal. Veepiiril, veest 1-2 meetri kaugusel, on suur veeris - väikeste kivikestega segatud liiv. Vee sissepääs ei ole mugav, vajate spetsiaalseid kummist kingi. Rannas on lamamistoolid ja päikesevarjud.


Spaahotell asub Gagras, mida ümbritsevad mäed ja aed. Need on mitmed kaunist rikkaliku arhitektuuriga hooned, mis meenutavad paleed. Ümberringi on ilusad rajad, purskkaevud, basseinid, palmipuud. Tervisekeskus pakub laia valikut teenuseid. Siin saate läbida massaažikursuse, iluprotseduure, külastada sauna, Türgi sauna ja mullivanni. Hotellis on suur jõusaal, klaaskupliga sisebassein ja laste mänguväljak. Meelelahutusest on piljard, tennis, filmiõhtud, kokandustunnid ja ekskursioonid. Hotell sobib lõõgastavaks perepuhkuseks, ettevõteteks, pensionärideks.

Higos Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 31 €

Rand on poolmetsik; jäme veeris; 50 m hotellist. Sissesõit vette on õrn, see muutub rannikust 6-7 m sügavusele. Vesi on puhas ja läbipaistev. Rand pole kuigi puhas, hoolimata sellest, et see pole alati rahvarohke. Pärastlõunal on sageli laineid.


Hotell asub Alahadzys ja on ökoloogiline. Hoone sisemus on valmistatud kaasaegses ökostiilis, kasutades puitu. Piirkond on väike ja veel natuke roheline, sest hotell on uus. Katusel on punutud ripptoolidega puhkenurk, väike aed ja terrass. Toad on hubased, uue mööbli ja hea helikindlusega. Saab mängida sulgpalli ja tennist. Hotell pakub kõrgetasemelist teenindust. Väljaspool hotelli ei ole meelelahutust. See sobib lõõgastumiseks sõprade või perega.

Anakopia Club

Preu mínim / dia: 0 €

The beach is long; coarse pebble. There is a walking path with benches for relaxation along the promenade. The water is very clean, there are fish, so it is good to swim with a mask. There is no shallow water zone; the entry to the water is gentle. The beach is cleaned daily. There are sunbeds, but there are no parasols. There are always few people, and a little aside, you can relax alone.


The hotel is located in New Athos on the first coastline. It offers sauna, spa, restaurant, grill bar, lounge area, picnic area. You can rent a bike, play billiards, table tennis. Outside the hotel you can go snorkelling, go hiking at the New Athos Monastery in 4 km from the hotel, or go horse riding. There is a playground under a canopy, an inflatable bouncer, children's pools and slides. In the evening, entertainment programs and discos are held. This is a great place to relax with children.

Valoració dels millors hotels d'Abkhàzia a primera línia de platja

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