Provided beach

Fourney is a tiny beach located in a rocky bay. It is next to mountain peaks, dense forest and underwater caves. A dirt road leads to it, starting in the vicinity of the village of Caravas. The local infrastructure consists of a small restaurant, toilet, sun loungers, sun umbrellas and several hammocks located at the foot of the rocks.

Descripció de la platja

Greek cuisine and refreshments are served only in one place of Fourney. From there you can hear the best reggae, swing and classical music. Sometimes there are improvised parties in a close circle of friends. Away from the bar at 50-70 meters, you will find many secluded places on stone slabs. They are popular among people who want to be alone or sunbathe topless.

The beach is characterized by sharp depth difference, strong waves and refreshing wind. It is not recommended to move farther than 5-7 meters from the shore for the novice swimmers. The surface of Fourni is covered with fine pebbles, on which you can walk on barefoot (being careful). Local waters and the beach are characterized by flawlessly clean. Wrappers and cigarette butts are found only near the bar.

Fourni is quiet and not crowded place. Here you can find free space even on weekdays and weekends. Well, at 7-8 in the morning there is absolute silence here. The beach itself is located in north-eastern part of the island Kythira. You can reach this place only by car or a taxi.

When is the best time to go?

Grčka - zemlja dugačke dužine od sjevera do juga, pa će se preporuke razlikovati ovisno o mjestu u koje idete. Sezona godišnjih odmora počinje u maju, a vrhunac dostiže u julu-avgustu: ima previše turista, a temperatura na južnim ostrvima dostiže 40 stepeni, što možda još uvijek ne igra ulogu na plaži, ali svakako nije pogodno za razgledavanje. Dakle, najbolje vrijeme za opuštanje u Grčkoj je kraj proljeća-početak ljeta ili septembar-oktobar.

Vídeo: Platja Provided

El temps a Provided

Els millors hotels de Provided

Tots els hotels de Provided
Kythea Resort
valoració 9.1
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

8 lloc a la classificació Kythira
Valora el material 75 m'agrada
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