good day beach

Sukamade Beach, surrounded by green tropical forests, is more like a savannah on the ocean. Located on the south coast of East Jawa, this beautiful long sandy beach is known as the Tortoise Sanctuary and is part of the Betiri National Park with an area of 50,000 hectares.

Descripció de la platja

However, getting to Sukamada on your own can be difficult. Drive to the beach is possible only by SUV. And since there are few signs on the route, getting lost is very easy, so it is recommended to organize a trip with a guided tour and guide. As a rule, the travel time from Jember is 3-4 hours, but it flies by unnoticed, as the route runs through a beautiful area among rice fields, cocoa plantations, lush jungle and rock tops.

On Sukamada you can observe the nesting and hatching of various species of sea turtles. All activities of the base are under the supervision of a local guide, who not only ensures that turtles do not suffer from the attention of tourists, but also knows the best places to find these amazing inhabitants. To see how turtles go ashore to lay eggs, you need to go to the beach between 8 pm and 2 am. The best time to observe this unique phenomenon is from November to March.

When is it better to go?

Õhutemperatuur aastaringselt erineb vähe ja püsib + 28-30 kraadi piires. Õhtul ja öösel on veidi jahedam, kuid termomeeter langeb harva alla +23 kraadi. Vee temperatuur on samuti stabiilne. Vihmaperioodi (kuud detsembrist märtsini) vältimiseks on parem külastada riiki maist augustini.

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

42 lloc a la classificació Indoneesia 8 lloc a la classificació Java
Valora el material 56 m'agrada
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