Wediombo beach

Wediombo is a beautiful beach, consisting of sandy areas and limestone formations, surrounded by thickets of trees. It is located on the coast of the bay, in the village of Jepitou, 40 km southeast of Vonosari. You can get to it in 2 hours, having left Jakarta by car or using public transport: first by bus, and then by mototaxi. The beach is suitable for families, groups, alone or as a couple.

Descripció de la platja

Vediombo Beach is a spacious area with a gentle slope to the sea and a large area of shallow water, where it is convenient to swim. Due to the high tides causing strong waves, it is suitable for surfing. In addition, the beach provides the opportunity to practice sea fishing, standing on a coral cliff, as well as enjoy panoramic views of the sea at sunset, snorkeling, snorkelling.

Being isolated from resort areas, Wediombo Beach has no tourist infrastructure. Therefore, going here, you should take food and water with you.

When is it better to go?

Õhutemperatuur aastaringselt erineb vähe ja püsib + 28-30 kraadi piires. Õhtul ja öösel on veidi jahedam, kuid termomeeter langeb harva alla +23 kraadi. Vee temperatuur on samuti stabiilne. Vihmaperioodi (kuud detsembrist märtsini) vältimiseks on parem külastada riiki maist augustini.

Vídeo: Platja Wediombo

El temps a Wediombo

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

46 lloc a la classificació Indoneesia 9 lloc a la classificació Java
Valora el material 65 m'agrada
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