Old Gagra beach beach

The beach of Old Gagra is located at the base of the hills covered in tropical green. Its main feature is a wonderful and cozy promenade. The shore is stretched and makes for a good relaxation spot.

Descripció de la platja

The beach, 6 km long and 150 m wide, is covered with soft sand, and there is a band of small pebbles both near water and under it. Water entry is smooth, without the sharp depth increase.

On the beaches of this area of Abkhasia, there are no additional possibilities for recreation, except the sea. The equipped quay is along the beach. Several cafes and stores can be found nearby.

Old Gagra offers the wide range of accommodation options in the private sector but it also has recreation and retreat centers and hotels.

When is it better to go

Abhaasia kliima on leebe ja mugav, nii et turistid tulevad kohalikesse kuurortidesse aastaringselt. Ujumishooaeg algab mais ja lõpeb oktoobris.

Vídeo: Platja Old Gagra beach

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

7 lloc a la classificació Abhaasia
Valora el material 111 m'agrada
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