White Cliffs beach

White Cliffs Beach is located in Tsandryphsh village near Gagra. It got its name after the bright white rocks on the shore. A very picturesque part of Abkhazia.

Descripció de la platja

The beach is a rather stretched and wide area with mountains coming close to it, these mountains being covered with southern evergreen plants. The beach here is covered with fine round-shaped pebbles which is also present at the sea bottom. The water here is incredibly transparent and clear due to basalt rocks typical for these places. This slightly changes the sea tincture in comparison with the other places of Abkhasian beach. Water on White Rocks is of emerald shade. This beach is perfect for calm recreation, and it is often selected by families with children.

The beach is rather secluded and desert, so it provides no additional conditions for recreation. You can find cafes and several shops nearby. The village has the wide range of dwelling in the private sector, and several guest houses.

It is easy to get from the beach to any resort of Abkhasia, so vacation on this beach area can be combined with the rich touring program.

When is it better to go

Abhaasia kliima on leebe ja mugav, nii et turistid tulevad kohalikesse kuurortidesse aastaringselt. Ujumishooaeg algab mais ja lõpeb oktoobris.

Vídeo: Platja White Cliffs

El temps a White Cliffs

Els millors hotels de White Cliffs

Tots els hotels de White Cliffs
Guest House Ave Maria
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

2 lloc a la classificació Abhaasia
Valora el material 80 m'agrada
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