Sukhum central beach beach

The main beach is located almost in the middle of Sukhum and stretches along the Dioscuri promenade. It is one of the most popular places in town which is also located near all the main sights.

Descripció de la platja

The beach is located in Sukhumi Bay. It is 2 km long and 50 m wide. The beach is covered with large pebbles and is separated into sections with concrete breakerwaters. The water entry is smooth but the depth increases rather sharply. The water is clear, the bottom is rocky. This beach is selected by people wishing to combine the sea vacation with the advantages of nearby city cafes, restaurants, museums, and other infrastructure.

On the beach areas located closer to the city center, water rides, sling chairs and umbrellas can be rented. Several changing cabins are installed on the beach. The beach stretches along the municipal quay bordering on wide and long park area. It has cafes and restaurants.

The most city hotes are a few minutes walk away from the beach. Moreover, the city offers such accommodation options as private sector, apartments and guest houses.

When is it better to go

Abhaasia kliima on leebe ja mugav, nii et turistid tulevad kohalikesse kuurortidesse aastaringselt. Ujumishooaeg algab mais ja lõpeb oktoobris.

Vídeo: Platja Sukhum central beach

El temps a Sukhum central beach

Els millors hotels de Sukhum central beach

Tots els hotels de Sukhum central beach
Boutique Hotel Atrium-Victoria
Mostra les ofertes
Ritsa Hotel Sukhumi
valoració 7
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

11 lloc a la classificació Abhaasia
Valora el material 62 m'agrada
Compartir platges a les xarxes socials