Els millors hotels d'Alacant a primera línia de platja

Valoració dels millors hotels d'Alacant

Alacant és una de les ciutats turístiques més freqüentades de l'Espanya peninsular, degut a la seva popularitat pel ràpid desenvolupament i la varietat d'hotels a primera línia de platja. La ciutat captiva els visitants amb el seu barri històric, l'extens moll, el pintoresc port i la vida nocturna vibrant. Les seves àmplies platges de la ciutat, especialment animades els caps de setmana, atrauen visitants durant tot l'any. Esteu buscant un lloc idíl·lic a la costa? Exploreu la nostra llista seleccionada d'hotels a primera línia de platja a Alacant.

Sercotel Suites del Mar

Preu mínim / dia: 99 €

The golden sandy beach is well-kept; 10-15 meters from the coast, the sea is shallow; the sandy bottom is flat, with an almost imperceptible slope.


The location of the hotel allows you to walk in a few minutes to the most popular tourist destinations, including the beach. Guests are offered 39 ultramodern suites equipped with terraces and allowing to admire the marina and the bay. Privileges of guests include free admission to the sanarium with outdoor pool, solarium, sauna, ice fountain and gym. Breakfast here is prepared from natural products, taking into account the individual needs of customers. The spacious congress area allows you to hold conferences and banquets at a high level.

Hotel Sercotel Spa Porta Maris

Preu mínim / dia: 67 €

Tiheda peene merevaigu liivaga rand siseneb järk -järgult merre, kus on palju madalat vett; juurdepääsu puhkealale tagab puitpõrand.


Luksuslik spaahotell asub ranna ja jahisadama vahel, vastvalminud kasiino vastas. Külaliste käsutuses on sisebassein, kardiotsooniga jõusaal, juuksuri ja spaaga tervisekeskus. Külalistele pakutakse avaraid ja hiljuti renoveeritud tube, kus on nutiteleviisor, tasuta WiFi-ühendus ja terrass vaatega lahele. Hommikuti saavad külalised hommikusöögisaalis nautida Rootsi lauas hommikusööki. Restoran pakub Vahemere köögi hõrgutisi. Reisisõbrad saavad hotellis parklat kasutada või autot rentida.

Melia Alicante

Preu mínim / dia: 84 €

A fairly spacious area with a golden sandy coating and a gentle slope; there are boardwalks and a playground; there are practically no strong waves and a marina nearby.


The hotel is located right on the beach, within walking distance of the main street. 545 rooms can boast modern design and home comfort. The shaded outdoor pool, a la carte buffet restaurant, two bars and some conference halls offer fantastic views of the Mediterranean Sea. Younger guests can use the seasonal kids club, while adults can use the nearby fitness center with spa.

Hotel Almirante Alicante

Preu mínim / dia: 36 €

Pikk ja lai rand on täis puhast kuldset liiva; meri on rahulik, kerge kaldega; päästjad on valves.


Kui asute sellesse kuurorti, leiate end rannast paariminutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel. Lisaks on teil palju võimalusi puhata ja lõbutseda. Kohapeal on välibassein ja jalgrattalaenutus. Teile pakutakse tasuta parkimist, concierge-teenust, WiFi-ühendust kõigis hotellitubades ja transporditeenust (piirkonnareiside jaoks). Restoranis saate nautida Vahemere kööki, basseiniäärses baaris saate lõõgastuda jookidega, salongis saate lugeda värskeid ajalehti ja ärikeskuses arvutit. Äriürituste ja pulmade jaoks pakub hotell spetsiaalselt varustatud ruume, mille pindala on 150 m², sealhulgas konverentsisaali.

Eurostars Mediterranea Plaza

Preu mínim / dia: 65 €

A beach with golden fine sand, smooth descent into the water and calm water; there is a playground for children; the beach is within walking distance of the marina.


The mini-hotel is located on the Town Hall Square, which attracts not only ordinary vacationers, but also business tourists. Within walking distance there is a beach, several restaurants and shops, two museums and theater. All 49 guestrooms feature stylish interiors and cleanliness. Some rooms have a private terrace overlooking the medieval castle. At guests' disposal there is a small fitness room, sauna and panoramic rooftop terrace. A buffet breakfast is served in the dining room at extra cost, it is also available room service.

Hotel Castilla Alicante

Preu mínim / dia: 32 €

Lai 3-kilomeetrine kuldset värvi liiv, mida regulaarselt sõelutakse; puhas, rahulik vesi ja mugav sisenemine merre.


Väike hotell asus populaarsest rannast ja promenaadist üle tänava, 20-minutilise autosõidu kaugusel Alicante kesklinnast. Kõigis 155 standardtoas on satelliittelevisioon, külmkapp ja seif ning mõnel on merevaatega rõdu. Kaheksakorruselise hotellihoone katusel on bassein koos kompaktse alaga päevitamiseks. Vahemere restoran pakub läbimõeldud toidusüsteemi (hommikusöök on toa hinna sees); kohvik pakub panoraamterrassil magustoitu.

Tryp Ciudad de Alicante Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 44 €

A small but wide beach with wooden flooring and fine sand of a golden hue; gradual descent into the water and a large area of shallow water, there are practically no waves.


A designer business hotel never disappoints its customers. It offers 70 comfortable rooms spread over 5 floors. Some rooms offer views of the old castle. The hotel building is conveniently located in the market area and within walking distance from the beach. There are an amusement park, marina, casino and golf course nearby. A varied buffet is served each morning, while the beach restaurant cooks delicacies of local cuisine. Guests can use the car rental service, parking for 15 cars, left-luggage office, coffee machine in the lobby and safe at the reception.

Valoració dels millors hotels d'Alacant

Descobreix els millors hotels d'Alacant amb 1001beach , la teva guia ideal per triar l'estada definitiva.

  • Exploreu la nostra llista seleccionada dels millors d'Alacant.
  • Troba el teu hotel de somni i experiències inoblidables al costat del mar.

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