Els millors hotels de Can Picafort

Valoració dels millors hotels de Can Picafort

Can Picafort i el seu barri sud, Son Baulo, atrauen els turistes amb necròpolis prehistòriques i una badia idíl·lica d'aigües turqueses. La costa està adornada amb fils de sorra enclavats entre cims rocosos, abraçats per suaus dunes, arbustos i pins blancs. Les platges públiques d'aquest complex acostumen a estar plenes d'activitat, per la qual cosa aquells que busquen un refugi tranquil haurien de considerar la nostra selecció d'hotels costaners amb platges privades.

Aparthotel Dunes Platja

Preu mínim / dia: 106 €

A large and shallow beach is surrounded by cliffs; with velvety snow-white sand and a gentle descent into the calm turquoise waters.


The apart-hotel offers a wonderful family vacation on the calm northern coastline of Mallorca. Visitors are provided with spacious apartments, perfectly furnished and equipped with balconies overlooking the sea. In addition to a beach holiday, you can enjoy swimming in the outdoor pool, sunbathe on the sun terrace, cheer up in the sauna and work out in the gym. The hotel complex also has its own bar and restaurant, which delight guests with dishes and drinks of regional cuisine. There is an outdoor playground for kids.

The Sea Hotel by Grupotel - Adults Only

Preu mínim / dia: 90 €

See on pikk pehme liiva ja väikeste lainetega rand; mugav sisenemine merre; puhas põhi; lõunaosas on kiviseid lõike.


Selles neljatärnihotellis peatumine lubab ainulaadset puhkust, mis on inspireeritud Vahemere romantikast. Külalisi kutsutakse sõprade või hingesugulasega jagama eksklusiivset õhkkonda, hingama mereõhku, vaatama oma toast suurepäraseid päikeseloojanguid ja nautima kõrgeima kvaliteediga mugavusi. Lisaks hommikusöögile ja temaatilistele õhtusöökidele pakub restoran ka kulinaarseid etendusi ja meelelahutust sohvabaaris. Unustamatuid minuteid saate külastades Wellness & Fitness tsooni, lõõgastudes solaariumis ja ujudes basseinis. Reisihuvilised saavad rentida jalgratta või auto.

Hotel Ferrer Concord Adults only

Preu mínim / dia: 84 €

An endless stretch of pearl-white soft sand with a large area of shallow water and smooth descent into the calm sea of flat bottom.


The stylish spa hotel, located on the seafront, welcomes guests over 18 years old. First-class service includes spa treatments in the aquazone with a flotarium, relaxing circulating circuit, sauna, steam room and hydrocycle. Buffet restaurant invites you to taste delicacies of international cuisine. The wellness center and outdoor pool are provided for relaxation and physical recovery. Advocates of active leisure are invited to have fun throwing darts and playing volleyball. If you want to do fitness or rent a bike, you need to walk just 50 meters to the neighboring hotel.

Eix Platja Daurada

Preu mínim / dia: 60 €

Lumivalget liivast riba ääristavad luited; tohutul türkiissinise värvi madalal rahulikul veekogul on pehme laskumine sügavusele, täiesti lame põhi.


Luksuslikku korterhotelli mere ääres ümbritsevad rohelised aiad ja mäeahelikud. Suurepärane teenindus tõi sellele ülemaailmse kuulsuse ja külastajate armastuse. Nautige siin Vahemere puhkust koos tohutu panoraambasseiniga, kus on ala väikestele külalistele, Rootsi laua stiilis restoran, šikk sisebassein koos juga, spaakompleks koos solaariumiga, saun, mullivann ja massaažituba ning lasteklubi. Spordikeskus ja jalgrattalaenutus hoiavad teid heas vormis. Ööbimine 62 korteris ja 246 toas, mis on varustatud neljatärni mugavustega, tagab täieliku puhkuse.

Grupotel Picafort Beach - All Inclusive

Preu mínim / dia: 129 €

A wide strip of white crumbly sand is washed by pacified sea; gradual entry into depth; sandy clean bottom.


The family hotel complex, which includes 2-bed rooms and apartments, is located directly on the municipal promenade. Wellness area with a spa center, pools for adults and children, solarium in the fresh air, as well as Mediterranean diet, wide assortment of drinks in the bar and cuisine rich with new dishes contribute to a comfortable and healthy relaxation. Leisure activities include adult evenings and educational activities for children. A bus stop located nearby, as well as car and bicycle rental allow you to easily get to the nearest tennis courts, sports centers and shops.

Valoració dels millors hotels de Can Picafort

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