Els millors hotels de Cala Millor

TOP 5: Els millors hotels de Cala Millor

Cala Millor, una joia enclavada a la costa oriental de Mallorca, destaca com una de les platges de sorra més cotitzades. Està envoltat per una gran varietat d'hotels, que s'ajusten a totes les preferències i pressupostos. Al llarg de la platja, normalment trobareu viles opulentes i hotels de luxe, amb piscines panoràmiques, restaurants exquisits i totes les característiques d'una escapada de luxe. A mesura que t'aventures més lluny del mar, l'allotjament es fa més econòmic. Tanmateix, és important tenir en compte que la platja és pública i, durant la temporada alta, està plena de turistes, oferint un ambient vibrant i animat.

Hipotels Hipocampo Palace & Spa

Preu mínim / dia: 74 €

The resort is hidden in a tropical garden. Hotel guests will pass the pine forest to go to the white bank of Cala Millor. 2 buildings of Hipotels Hipocampo Palace are not in the first line, but the beach very close, 150 meters. The beach is municipal. You must pay for sunbeds and umbrellas, Sunset on the sandy bottom is convenient, but there are algae.


In addition to the beach, tourists can swim in the spacious pool, made in the form of lake. There is also pool, playground for children, animators work daily.

The hotel is well located, close to supermarkets, restaurants and bars of the village. From the main building, the bus will take you to the pretty capital of the island with many cafes and restaurants, excellent shopping.

Hipotels Hipocampo Palace is suitable for those who like to luxuriate by the pool, appreciate comfort and gourmet food. There is a good gym, spa, tennis court. The restaurant has a huge selection of dishes. An unforgettable grill is cooked from pieces of meat or fish selected by visitors. In the evenings, guests are entertained with live music.

Hipotels Cala Millor Park

Preu mínim / dia: 42 €

Hotell asub valge liivaga rannast teisel real. Vaid mõni minut minna. Vette sisenemine on mugav, sügavus ei suurene kohe, vesi meres on puhas maagia. Rätikute eest tuleb tagatisraha jätta vastuvõtusse, seif on tasutud. Rannarahva mugavuseks on muul ja pontoon, dušid ja tualett. Alati on valves vetelpäästja.


Hotellikorterid on üsna avarad. Lisaks elutoale ja magamistoale on riietusruum ja rõdu, vannituba on samuti suur, saab kasutada kööginurka. Territoorium on alati puhas.

Ostlemiseks ei pea te kaugele minema, turg on 500 sammu kaugusel, läheduses on jalakäijate tänav, kus on palju tuntud kaubamärke müüvaid kauplusi. Puhkajate hulgas on palju noori lastega peresid. Nende jaoks on avatud lasteklubi, seal on park, mänguväljak ja huvitav programm animaatorite juures.

Hommikusöök pole nii lai, kuid alati on hea valik. Toidu kvaliteet on suurepärane. Esitatakse rahvustoite, menüüs on palju mereande. Magusasõbrale valmistatakse peeneid magustoite. Hotelli töötajad koristajatest kokkadeni väärivad ainult kiitust.

Hipotels Hipocampo - Adults Only

Preu mínim / dia: 48 €

The atmosphere of the sea recreation is created by the proximity of the hotel to it, the municipal beach a stone's throw from the Hipotels Hipocampo, a hotel on the frontline. From all rooms you can see and hear the sea. The sandy coast has a convenient approach. Many tourists sunbathe on sunbeds and relax under umbrellas by the pool, and plunge into the sea so as not to pay extra euros for equipment.


The rooms are clean and spacious, with a large bathroom with a hairdryer and everything for body and hair care. Balconies give each guest their piece of sea and sun, they have a beautiful view. Friendly team serves the guests; cleaners, animators, cooks are at their finest.

The location of the hotel promotes active pastime, it has many places along the coast where you can take a walk. Transport stops are near, it is possible to explore the sights of the city and the surrounding area. The hotel has bicycle rental. Supermarket, restaurants, pharmacy, souvenir shops are not so far.

Breakfasts and dinners here are turned into a holiday. The food is very diverse, the buffet has everything that the soul desires. National cuisine, vegetarian dishes are present. The cuisine is changed daily, for 2 weeks of rest you will not get tired of food. In the evenings you will always find an activity for yourself: some go to a quiet promenade, others rush to noisy entertainment programs.

Sentido Castell de Mar

Preu mínim / dia: 53 €

Turistid naudivad oma tubade rõdudelt vaadet Cala Millori puhtaimale merele. Hotell asub esimesel real, rand on vaid mõne meetri kaugusel. See on liivane, inimesi pole palju, aga jah, suurepärane promenaad, kus on tore jalutada või rattaga sõita, rulluisutada, rikša võtta. Seal on palju atraktiivseid kohvikuid ja restorane. Vihmavarjud ja lamamistoolid on tasulised.


Hotelli Sentido Castell külalised saavad kasutada standardseid teenuseid, tubades on konditsioneer ja küttesüsteem. Internet ei ole parima kvaliteediga, kuid basseini ääres on see hea. Seal on Türgi aurusaun, saun, korralik massaaž. Territoorium on väike, mida kompenseerib hulk imelisi jalutuskäike.

Läheduses on palju huvitavaid poode ja kohvikuid, suur supermarket. Hotellis valmistatakse ka maitsvaid toite. Hommikusöök sisaldab erinevaid roogasid, palju mahlaseid küpseid puuvilju, jogurteid ja maiustusi. Värsked mereannid on alati saadaval.

Meelelahutusi on palju. Rannas saate kasutada "banaane", rollerit, langevarju. Maskiga sukeldudes on näha kalakoolid ja ilus põhi. Võite sõita paadiga, külastada ekskursioone, vaadata koopaid. Lastele pakub rõõmu Safari loomaaed, veepark. Palma orjastab teid katedraali, käänuliste tänavate ja kenade poodidega.

Hipotels Flamenco

Preu mínim / dia: 47 €

Almost all of the rooms of the first line hotel overlook the sea. From the floors a wonderful view opens up, you fall asleep to the sound of the surf, the beach is just around the corner. Under the feet is a white sand, there are always enough sunbeds, many sunbathe in the hotel by the pool and go swimming to the sea. The bottom is flat and sandy, only on the shore you can find large stones.


Hipotels Flamenco is located in the central part of the coast, very close to all establishments, shops, transport. You can clearly see the shore, flooded with lights from the windows in the evening. The rooms are spacious and neat, they are carefully cleaned. The bedding is snow-white, towels are changed daily. Employees monitor replenishment of supplies in the shower room.

The food is excellent. During the rest you will not find repeating dishes in the menu, there is always something new. There are a lot of various fruits, caviar, sushi and rolls, cheeses, sausages. Soup lovers will always find them, including gazpacho. There is a large selection of pastries, cakes and ice cream.

The hotel has three pools, one of which is for children. Both children and adults are engaged in water aerobics. Darts and basketball are popular, you can shoot from a rifle. Bicycle and car rental are nearby. Animators work, interesting program of evening shows. Beautiful bars and cafes, places for walking are right behind the hotel.

TOP 5: Els millors hotels de Cala Millor

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