Els millors hotels de Santander

TOP 5 dels millors hotels de Santander

Santander, una joia entre les ciutats turístiques d'Espanya, està envoltada de majestuoses muntanyes i parcs i jardins verds, que atrauen innombrables turistes anualment. No obstant això, la joia de la corona de la ciutat és la seva impressionant costa. Els coneixedors de 1001beach han elaborat una llista dels millors hotels davant de la platja de Santander, assegurant-vos que descobriu el refugi ideal per a la vostra escapada al mar.

Gran Hotel Sardinero

Preu mínim / dia: 78 €

In the immediate vicinity of the hotel there is a spacious beach with clean sand. Tourists note the incredible beauty of sunsets, convenient entry into the sea and clear water.


The hotel has a large number of modern and spacious rooms, which offer chic sea views. The rooms are decorated in a classic style with a predominance of cream tones. The restaurant menu offers traditional dishes, while the cafe serves snacks and drinks. Gran Hotel Sardinero is located in close proximity to several palaces, city center and airport. Guests can rent cars.

Hotel Hoyuela

Preu mínim / dia: 55 €

Hotell asub jalutuskäigu kaugusel puhtast liivarannast, mis rõõmustab oma avaruse ja hea sisenemisega merre.


Hotell asub kohalike vaatamisväärsuste ja lennujaama lähedal, mistõttu on see väga mugav koht lõõgastumiseks. Kohapealses restoranis serveeritakse Hispaania roogasid. Tubade kujundus on väga elegantne, mõnest toast avaneb kaunis vaade merele. Külalised saavad golfiväljakutel mängida, kasutada massaažiterapeudi teenuseid ja vahetada vastuvõtus valuutat. Hotell Hoyuela pakub ka autorenti, lisatasu eest privaatset parkimist ning äri- ja konverentsisaalide rentimist.

Gran Hotel Victoria Santander

Preu mínim / dia: 56 €

The spacious beach is great for noisy companies and fun lovers. Here you can book boat rides and sunbathe on sun loungers. The entrance to the water is low-sloped.


The hotel is located in close proximity to the golf club and the city center. Almost all rooms at the hotel have a spacious terrace and access to the sea. The hotel has a swimming pool, restaurant and cafeteria. The restaurant menu is very diverse, despite the predominance of traditional dishes. Chefs delight guests at Gran Hotel Victoria Santander with modern dishes prepared on the basis of Spanish traditions. Hotel guests can also book kayaking trips around the lake located next to the hotel. The hotel also provides a full package of services for conducting and organizing events.

Santemar Hotel

Preu mínim / dia: 41 €

Liivarand, kus on mugav vesi siseneda ja järk -järgult sügavust suurendada, asub hotellist mõnevõrra eemal.


Hotellil on avar Jaapani aed - see on külaliste lemmikpaik jalutamiseks. Restoranis serveeritakse Kantaabria kööki, mis võimaldab teil täielikult kohalikku võlu kogeda. Hotelli külastajad saavad kasutada turismiinfot ja lapsehoidmisteenuseid, autorenti, jõusaali, parkimist ja avarat terrassi. Väljaspool hotelli saate kala püüda, kasiinot mängida ja golfi mängida.

Silken Rio Santander

Preu mínim / dia: 50 €

A clean and well-maintained beach with clear water and gentle entry into the water is suitable for both adults and children.


The hotel offers chic ocean views. Near the hotel there are casinos, parks and gardens, cathedrals and palaces. You can reach airport in 10 minutes by car. On the hotel area there is a restaurant, 5 beach bars, cafeteria and hall for conferences and meetings. The staff feeds guests a buffet breakfast and offers their own taxi services. Guests can also enjoy free private parking and relax in the cozy lounge area.

TOP 5 dels millors hotels de Santander

Descobriu els millors allotjaments amb els millors hotels de Santander : la vostra guia de referència per a les millors seleccions d'hotels a Santander. Experimenta el luxe i la comoditat.

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  • Troba la teva estada ideal i gaudeix de la bellesa de Santander.

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