Lucky Bay beach

Lucky Bay is a gulf on the south coast of Western Australia, located in Cape Le Grand National Park, west of Esperance. Known for its bright white sands and turquoise waters, Lucky Bay is suitable for families with children, especially in the northwestern part.

Descripció de la platja

This tourist place was given a name by the navigator Matthew Flinders. In 1802, he came to Rechurh archipelago, and found out that his ship, HMS Investigator, was surrounded with islands and rocks. Flinders called a place where a vessel managed to hide from the storm a "lucky bay". And Robert Brown, the botanist, came ashore and, having explored various flora, discovered numerous new species of flora. Having walked down the beach to the viewpoint, you will see the memorial plate dedicated to this historical event.

The sand coverage on Lucky Bay Beach consists of the finest quartz grains without impurities which is the explanation of its milky color. It's not surprising that no bonfires are allowed on this beach. Instead of solid fuel, camping owners offer liquid or gas BBQ, ovens, and heaters.

Lucky Bay which is protected from winds is perfect for swimming, snorkeling, fishing, surfing, small boat launching, and whale-watching. Shower stalls powered by solar panel, and public water closets are located nearby.

When is it better to go

Austraalia kõige aktiivsem ujumishooaeg kestab detsembrist veebruarini. Sel suvel soojeneb mandriosa lõunalaiustel kuni 25–30 ° C, kohati kuni 40 ° C. Talvel (juunist augustini) jahutatakse õhk temperatuurini 11 ° C. Maid ja septembrit peetakse parimateks rannakuudeks, kus on pilvitu taevas ja mitte liiga aktiivne päike.

Vídeo: Platja Lucky Bay

El temps a Lucky Bay

Els millors hotels de Lucky Bay

Tots els hotels de Lucky Bay

You can see a kangaroo on the beach.

La platja participa en les valoracions:

11 lloc a la classificació Okeaania 27 lloc a la classificació Austraalia 5 lloc a la classificació Lääne -Austraalia
Valora el material 54 m'agrada
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