Agoi beach

Agoy is a tiny but insanely beautiful beach located in the midst of cliffs and green peaks. It is famous for its impeccable ecology, an abundance of greenery, lots of entertainment and a hot climate. In its vicinity are located over a dozen wonders of nature.

Descripció de la platja

Agoy is a small village located in 10 km away from Tuapse. Its central beach has a length of 400 meters and has the following advantages:

  1. the abundance of trees growing in a few meters from the sea;
  2. impeccable order along the entire beach;
  3. smooth depth gaining;
  4. observation platforms with a beautiful view of the sea and the beauty of nature;
  5. interesting relief - the beach is adjacent to green peaks and picturesque cliffs.

The surface of the beach is covered with large pebbles, hewn by the sea. You can walk barefoot on it, but people with sensitive skin are advised to wear slippers. Agoy is ideal for swimming, sunbathing, hiking and gastronomic tourism. Also, his guests go hiking, conquer the mountains, go fishing, enjoy “bananas”, “pills”, parachuting and other water attractions.

The basis of the local contingent is families with children. In summer, it is crowded, but there are many places around the beach where you can enjoy solitude. On the territory of “Agoy” a minimum number of offenses is recorded. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is enough to carefully monitor your belongings.

When is the best time to go?

Erinevalt Krimmi steppidest valitseb Musta mere rannikul Vahemere-alane kliima. Musta mere temperatuur suvel on stabiilne 23-27 ° С. Kuid õhutemperatuur võib olenevalt perioodist veidi erineda: kui teil on kuumuse käes ebamugav, siis valige lõõgastumiseks mai või september. 20 kraadi on tavaline näitaja. Kõige soojem ja kuivem aeg on juuli ja augusti esimene pool: on veidi kuumem, kuid meri soojem.

Vídeo: Platja Agoi


A hotel is located in 100 meters from the beach “Maritel”, located in a 6-story building. Its customers are offered the following amenities:

  1. free parking and Wi-Fi;
  2. a cozy restaurant and a bar inside the complex;
  3. Finnish sauna;
  4. laundry and dry cleaning;
  5. conference halls;

Rooms of “Maritel” are equipped with air conditioning facilities, refrigerators, private bathrooms. The hotel has a well-kept garden with walking paths, wide benches and a barbecue area.

Toilets, changing rooms and showers are available on Agoy Beach. There are installed sun loungers, parasols, trash cans and a free shadow canopy. On the beach there is a volleyball court, a rental center for jet skis and catamarans, massage and hydromassage salons.

El temps a Agoi

Els millors hotels de Agoi

Tots els hotels de Agoi

La platja participa en les valoracions:

1 lloc a la classificació Tuapse 4 lloc a la classificació Dzhubga
Valora el material 57 m'agrada
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