Veselovka Central Beach beach

The central beach in Veselovka is a secluded sandy beach located on the Taman Peninsula, in the vicinity of the resort village. This quiet place is often visited by fans of wild relaxation, surfing and kitesurfing. The latter choose it to enjoy the winds blowing here, riding along the waves. For beginners, professional instructors from the surf school will help to learn windsurfing and kitesurfing.

Descripció de la platja

The territory of the Central Beach is an open space covered with fine yellow sand. Due to its convenient gradual entry into the sea and shallow depth in the beach zone, it is suitable for families with children. Paid dry closets and showers, awnings and sunbeds are installed on the beach, there is a shop, several cafes. In the village of Veselovka there is a market and several shops. In high season, the beach is always crowded. Vacationers have the opportunity to sunbathe, ride catamarans, hydrocycles, bananas. Due to the muddy bottom in the coastal area, there are few swimmers on the beach.

The most convenient way to get to the beach is by car, and stop at the auto camp, in the tent camp or at the camp site, in the private sector. Not far from the Central beach there are several more beautiful beaches, and just 15 km is another village - Volna. In the summer, a racing championship and a biker festival are held annually in Veselovka. In addition, while relaxing on the beach, it is worth visiting local wineries, Salt Lake with silt mud, Bugaz Spit.

When is the best time to go?

Erinevalt Krimmi steppidest valitseb Musta mere rannikul Vahemere-alane kliima. Musta mere temperatuur suvel on stabiilne 23-27 ° С. Kuid õhutemperatuur võib olenevalt perioodist veidi erineda: kui teil on kuumuse käes ebamugav, siis valige lõõgastumiseks mai või september. 20 kraadi on tavaline näitaja. Kõige soojem ja kuivem aeg on juuli ja augusti esimene pool: on veidi kuumem, kuid meri soojem.

Vídeo: Platja Veselovka Central Beach

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

18 lloc a la classificació Venemaa Musta mere rannik 16 lloc a la classificació Krasnodari krai
Valora el material 102 m'agrada
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