Lermontovo Central Beach beach

The central beach in the village of Lermontovo is a sand strip with a width of 50 m and a length of ½ km. It is located in the very center of the resort village and is adjacent to residential areas and Novorossiysk highway. From the west and east it borders with other beach areas belonging to the auto camp and the Lermontovo sanatorium. The beach is publicly accessible and therefore in the high season is always crowded.

Descripció de la platja

The beach has a mixed sand and pebble coating. The sea is clean, with the exception of July, when a change in the undercurrent occurs and the water in the coastal zone becomes muddy. The territory of the Central Beach is equipped with shadow canopies, changing rooms, showers and toilets. In addition, there is a rental of sun loungers and beach umbrellas, catamarans and jet skis, water rides open, offering a ride on a "banana", "tablet" or parachute. Near the beach there is a pier from which you can fish, ride a yacht or boat. Those who wish to eat can do this in cafes and bars located very close to the waterfront promenade. There are also shops with souvenirs, groceries and other necessary goods. In Lermontovo, close to the Central beach, there is a water park "Chernormor".

You can get to Lermontovo by car, regular bus or minibus, plying from the village to Adler and Sochi. While living in the village, you can get to the Central Beach just by walking.

When is the best time to go?

Erinevalt Krimmi steppidest valitseb Musta mere rannikul Vahemere-alane kliima. Musta mere temperatuur suvel on stabiilne 23-27 ° С. Kuid õhutemperatuur võib olenevalt perioodist veidi erineda: kui teil on kuumuse käes ebamugav, siis valige lõõgastumiseks mai või september. 20 kraadi on tavaline näitaja. Kõige soojem ja kuivem aeg on juuli ja augusti esimene pool: on veidi kuumem, kuid meri soojem.

Vídeo: Platja Lermontovo Central Beach

El temps a Lermontovo Central Beach

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La platja participa en les valoracions:

22 lloc a la classificació Venemaa 7 lloc a la classificació Venemaa Musta mere rannik 8 lloc a la classificació Krasnodari krai 2 lloc a la classificació Dzhubga
Valora el material 49 m'agrada
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