Cow Island beach

Among the islands closest to Kota Kinabalu, Sapi is considered to be favorite of tourists. It occupies only 10 hectares, but has everything that distinguishes a good resort place: snow-white sandy beach, crystal clear water and green forest with wild fauna.

Descripció de la platja

Sapi Island's beach is small, so it is crowded at weekends and school holidays. Some of its parts, especially near the pier have a sharp slope of 2 to 3 meters in depth. Therefore, lifeguards are also on duty at the beach.

Sapi Island will give an unforgettable experience to fans of snorkeling. The best “collection” of corals awaits tourists on the south side of the island. Here you can watch the amazing variety of fish and giant mollusks. In addition to snorkeling on the island, there is the opportunity to try ziplining (235-meter cable crossing from island to island), scuba diving, sea and walking trips.

Amenities for tourists include toilets, showers, changing rooms, benches, cafes. In addition to buying food and souvenirs in the stores you can rent snorkeling equipment, a beach mat, and a tent. You can use a rented boat to get to the island of Sapi, which is a 10-15 minute drive from Kota Kinabalu.

When is it better to go

Nema naglih promjena temperature na plažama Malezije i moguće je opustiti se na otocima tijekom cijele godine. Nema posebne sezone kiša i vjetrova, padavine se raspoređuju ovisno o mjesecu u godini i regiji zemlje.

Vídeo: Platja Cow Island

El temps a Cow Island

Els millors hotels de Cow Island

Tots els hotels de Cow Island
Bunga Raya Island Resort & Spa
valoració 8.7
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La platja participa en les valoracions:

14 lloc a la classificació Malaysia
Valora el material 99 m'agrada
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