Beaches in Ithaca

10 best beaches in Ithaca

Ithaca – is a small island in the Ionian Sea, dotted with rocky cliffs and dense forests. It is the birthplace of one of the most famous Greek heroes – the cunning Odyssey. Ithaca attracts tourists with medieval temples, rich museum collections, alpine villages with traditional Greek architecture. Here reigns clean air, sunny weather, peaceful atmosphere. And most importantly – there are more than a dozen beaches with interesting terrain, huge boulders, and lots of greenery. Most of them are ideal for diving, swimming, snorkelling and exposure to sun light.

10 best beaches in Ithaca

Welcome to 1001beach if you want to learn everything about the best beaches in Ithaca. We make ratings using tourists' and travelers' reviews. On our website you can find information about beaches for sport or snorkeling, beaches for children or young people, beaches for being close to nature etc.


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