Lopes Mendes beach

Crystal-clear waters, pristine white sands, and an ocean of emerald hues... Lopes Mendes is heralded as one of the ten most beautiful beaches in Brazil, offering a serene escape from the clamor of noisy restaurants and bustling nightclubs. This haven of absolute peace and tranquility is serenaded by the cries of seagulls and the rhythmic lapping of foamy waves. Flanked by two majestic hills, Morro dos Castelhanos and Morro do Ferreira, which stand as sentinels to its seclusion, Lopes Mendes invites you to spend an entire day with your family, enjoying a tranquil picnic on the shores of the tempestuous ocean.

Beach description

Lopes Mendes Beach boasts 3 km of pristine, fine sand complemented by crystal-clear waters. It caters to a variety of preferences, offering the perfect setting for both active recreation and tranquil family holidays. The waves here are notably robust, providing an ideal playground for surfers seeking an adrenaline rush. However, the beach also features shallow areas where swimming is comfortable and safe, making it an excellent spot for children to enjoy the water.

The allure of this idyllic destination lies in its serene atmosphere, relatively untouched by tourist crowds. Yet, it's important to note that the weather conditions can be quite dynamic. Strong winds sweep across Lopes Mendes Beach throughout the year, intensifying during the rainy season, which can make swimming challenging and potentially hazardous. Visitors should be aware that the absence of lifeguards necessitates extra caution, especially since it's possible to find oneself alone on this expansive shoreline. Always prioritize safety and avoid venturing too far into the water.

Its seclusion contributes to the beach's allure, with Lopes Mendes being a hidden gem on the island of Ilha Grande. Access is an adventure in itself; you can embark on a scenic water taxi journey from Vila do Abraão, which takes approximately one hour. For the more intrepid spirits, hiking trails offer a chance to channel your inner explorer, trekking through lush jungle to reach this secluded paradise.

Best Time to Visit Lopes Mendes Beach

Best Time for a Beach Vacation in Brazil

Planning the perfect beach vacation in Brazil requires considering the vast country's diverse climates and regions. However, there is a consensus on the ideal period to soak up the sun on Brazil's stunning coastlines.

  • December to March: This is Brazil's summer season, where you'll find the warmest weather, perfect for beach activities. It's also the time for vibrant festivities, including the famous Carnival.
  • Late April to June: For those who prefer fewer crowds and still enjoy pleasant weather, this period offers a more tranquil beach experience.
  • September to November: Spring in Brazil is another great time to visit, with less rainfall and moderate temperatures, ideal for enjoying the natural beauty and waters of Brazilian beaches.

It's important to avoid the rainy season, which can vary depending on the region but generally includes the months of April through July in the Northeast, and October through January in the South. Ultimately, the best time for a beach vacation in Brazil is when the weather aligns with your preference for festivities or tranquility.

Video: Beach Lopes Mendes


The beach is "wild," with no signs of human activity, which makes it even more attractive. There are no kiosks, bars, restaurants, or nightclubs. If you're wondering about sun loungers and tents, they are also absent. However, Lopes Mendes Beach is surrounded by almond trees, whose large-leafed crowns create a wide strip of natural shade.

In terms of entertainment, this place is excellent for surfing and water skiing. Although there are no rental companies on the beach, those that organize water excursions to the beach can offer everything you need for rent.

There are no accommodations near the beach. The nearest village, Abraão, is located 6 kilometers away. Here, you can stay at local guest houses. However, given the area's wilderness, it's advisable to take a water taxi to Vila do Abraão and find a room in a hostel, such as Che Lagarto Hostel Ilha Grande.

Weather in Lopes Mendes

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Useful information

  1. Ilha Grande Island is a nature reserve. You can get to it only by water. Helicopters, planes do not fly here. And since the flora and fauna of the province is under protection, there are no cars either. Perhaps there are two or three service beads of local hotels.
  2. If you go to explore the island of Pesha – find out the weather forecast. The fact is that the paths are clay, so they are very eroded during rains. If they promise rain, you can bog down or get lost at all, because in some places the road disappears.
  3. If you are interested in attractions near the beach, then it is only one and is located not far from the left bank. This is an ancient chapel known as the chapel of St. Benedict. The spectacle is colorful, because the building has an abandoned look and creates the impression that it is associated with many legends and traditions.
  4. To visit the beach, it is better to stock up on food and put on sneakers or comfortable sandals. The beach is flat, without dangerous stones and branches, but whether water travel, then hiking is better done in comfortable shoes.

The beach participates in ratings:

89 place in rating TOP-100 of the best beaches in the world 5 place in rating Brazil
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